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Birth and Postpartum Doula 

You are strong, capable, and ready to embark on a transformative journey through pregnancy, birth, and into parenthood. Like any journey, there will be patches of smooth sailing, but there will also be rough water, twists and turns, and decisions to be made. You do not have to navigate this journey alone.


Your birth team is here to support you together, all playing different and equally important roles. Your partner is there to love you, to hold you, to remind you that you are strong, to make you laugh. Your provider is there to ensure and support the medical process of birth. Your mother's words of wisdom guide you through, your sister's empowering birth story, your best friend's affirmation.


 Your doula provides you and your birth partner with information, and professional consultation, emotional support, tips and advice, a hand to squeeze, breath coaching, reassurance, a calming presence and all the tools of comfort you didn't know you would need during your birth (rice socks, peppermint oil, and double hip squeezes).

How I Doula: My Practice Philosophy

I believe in: education, ritual, non-judgment, empowerment, ceremony, and TRANSFORMATION, for you, and for your family.

I support the birth that you want, the way you want to have it, while providing you with information, education, and tools to make your goals and wishes a reality, and help you to attain an empowered, dignified birth experience. I hold space for you while you go through one of the most challenging adventures of your life, and use my own meditation practice to energetically support you as you enter and travel through the spiritual depths of labor land.


I have served births at most of the facilities in the DC/MD/VA region, with families of all backgrounds. Since attending DONA doula training in 2017, I have attended at 50+ births and counting, including home birth, hospital, and birth center births. I also teach a variety of local classes to prepare you for birth! 

I am honored to work with all families,and all people no matter what shape or form that family takes. 

I strive to actively understand the background, and preferences of each individual client. I am always open to listen and never question your position and how you feel. Your experience is valid, I believe you, I trust you, I honor you, and I will support you.

Schedule your free in person or virtual consultation* today:

(*dependent on location and scheduling)

Birth Tools 

How can I help you, accomplish an empowered birth?

An empowered birth is one in which you feel heard, respected, honored, and accomplished.

Birth is no easy task, but you can do it, I know you can!


Practicing and implementing meditation, yoga, and Thai bodywork into my life, help me to heal, and help me to manage situations big and small. I offer you some of these simple, yet revolutionary skills and practices that may provide relief, and comfort during our meetings. 

It would be my honor to hold sacred space for you in your process.

Before your birth, I will meditate with you in mind, at your birth I will breathe with you, I will massage you, hold your hand while you cry, I will give you and your partner space to create intimacy, or stay by your side if you desire.


I will equip you with on the spot information, and discussion, so you can make the decisions from a place of clarity and confidence.


I will work with your partner to help them find the best way they can support you, and give them breaks to take care of their needs as they dive into parenthood too. I honor and support their journey.

I work as a solo doula, to get to know you, give your family the energy and dedication you deserve, creating a relationship with you. I will be the one at your birth.

During your sacred postpartum, I will continue to care for you without judgment; cook for you, tidy up, let you rest, nurture you with a Thai herbal compress treatment, show you how to bathe or wear your baby, and help you with whatever you may need during this potent time. 



  • Initial consult to discuss birth objectives and how I can best serve your experience

  • 2 in home educational prenatal appointments; customized to your interests and needs, 2-3 hours each 

  • On call support 1 month before your due date, and 2 weeks following

  • Phone and email support leading up to labor and during your immediate postpartum

  • 1 postpartum follow up appointment to process your birth, and check-in on you and your partner


*discounts available for repeat clients, and second+ time birthers, home birth


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